About Me

Leslie birding in BoulderI am walking along a nature trail with a dorky hat shading my face, old hiking boots on my feet. The field guide and notebook in my pocket are readily accessible, while my lunch is slowly being flattened in my backpack. I work on untangling my binoculars from my camera strap. Sometimes I feel like a stereotype: Bird Nerd.

Or, I am lying prone on the mulch in my garden, camera lens closely focused on the culprit that is putting large holes in the cucumber leaves. First take the picture, then squash the bug. (See my gallery for photo sales.) I spent eleven years as an active Colorado Master Gardener, resigning at the end of 2011 in order to spend more time on my photography.

You might find me sitting at my desk, writing articles on birds for our Audubon chapter newsletter (I’m the editor), or attending to my paid job as an admin assistant and book editor. You might find me in front of an auditorium, excited about sharing my knowledge about gardening and birding with our community.

The most important place you will find me is on my knees before my God, Creator of the universe and Lover of my soul. I’m a person who loves God. I see His fingerprints all over His creation. I want to help other people see Him too, to share my joy and delight in Who He is and what He has made. My photos are one way I praise and worship Him.

I hope my writings here enable you to see. Sometimes we’re looking at birds, sometimes at gardens. Once in a while, we might look at another aspect of nature. Always, I hope you see God.

Welcome to my blog.

[And check out my other blog, Compost, where I take life’s bits and pieces and hopefully turn them into something life-giving!]